Being locked out of multi-species relations
Incarcerated our scope, sensibility, and dynamic ways of relating
Rejecting other-than-human kinship
Limited our ability to feel
Ruthlessly silencing an otherwise vibrant world,
imprisoned us in a pathological loop of individualized human-centric obsessions
Insatiable and demanding that a limited scope of relations will give us what we need
Trapped in a fragmented monoculture of affective constraints
Craving belonging
Lost in a disentangled world
Always hungry for more
Anesthetized and unable to interact
Rendering us alone and lost
Forgetting the pulsating diversity that makes us humans
Neglecting and denying our primordial mammalian core
Raw flesh, bone, and blood who can sing with the stars
Enjoys soaking in water deep-time memories
And relishes rumbling with the muddy ground
Rhythmically echoing the many voices that make the World
A short scream-prayer inspired by the grounding and brilliant work of
, while preparing for our presentation at the Becoming Monster Festival. Join us on Friday, November 1st for online Mythic Monster Ecology - 9:00 – 11:00 CST | 15:00 – 17:00 UTC“Through embodied ceremony, we will share ecological and mythological case studies on monstrification brought by each participant. We will listen collectively to the side of the (hi)story of the more-than-human / myth with contextual eco-mythological guidance from the facilitators and challenge ancient and contemporary monstrifying narratives surrounding biodiversity and humanity’s role in Earth’s ecosystem. We will also co-draw cartographies for the possibility of belonging to biodiversity and monstrosity by weaving the mythologies brought by participants with the studies of historical patterns of ecosystemic violence brought by the facilitators. Registration required. Maximum 25 participants.”
{I write from a low-intensity and urban context in the global north, with awareness and accountability for the ecocide and genocide perpetrated by modernity; where I’m from, the cultural-normalized legacy is a deeply colonial one, a brutal self-imposed exile of the Eurocentric psyche through hierarchical and individual exceptionalism.}